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  1. LB log - 20130812

    I received a notice from the village board that I have exceedingly long weeds in the front portion of the lawn and am in violation of some kind of international statute (yes, really) which will make me liable to a fine if I don't correct the issue immediately or respond to the letter in five days. I swear that I've had weeds in greater height and quantity for the same period of time before, and have done so without incident, so I'm assuming that the issuing party is someone who is just keeping busy ...
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  2. LB log -20130811

    I consulted with the home page of the bike shop and came to see that the person who helped me with the cartridge and hub yesterday was the store's manager. After work and dinner, I arrive there today and he was there to help me again. Thankfully, there was a new bike on sale for $200 and he allowed the return of the hub that I had purchased yesterday. I guess as long as I use the bike for at least two months in the same fashion as I have done before, then that would have been the same amount that ...
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  3. LB log - 20130809

    My sister gave birth to her first child at 640AM today. A girl. I paid a visit later on this evening to see that the child has a healthy appetite and a scalp of dark hair.

    I just finished a trial on the elliptical and I believe that it shall be an excellent venue for exercising. Using a controller on it like I did with the treadmill proves to be just as easy to do and effective, with the exception that there is less handlebar for my hands to rest upon on the outer extremities; this ...
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  4. LB log - 20130808

    First thing that I managed to do today was get a full batch of the 2012 Form 1120 test returns out for review. It was aggravating to get all four of the 7004 tests in, as I kept having stupid errors and was putting them through in a batch. Once I had that ironed out, though, I only needed one attempt to get the entire set of eleven submitted without error. That much is nice.

    Later in the day, after dinner, I resolved that I was going to get an elliptical machine today. We went about ...
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  5. LB log - 20130807

    I remembered how to do something today. Hooray for me not being totally useless. When a new internet security certificate is acquired, on top of revising everything within the IRS program, you have to upload a file to the IRS e-services domain as well. With the start of the morning today, I had a mail sent to me which told me that I hadn't done so yet, and I indeed had forgotten that I had done that initially two years ago. Initially, I had forgotten specifically what it was I needed to do, so ...
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  6. LB log - 20130806

    IRS response to my latest issue did come in today, and it affirmed what I contemplated as one of the possible issues, especially considering that the error message shown a date which didn't change - the certificate file which I was using to log onto their system was expired. Now, when I renewed my certificate and I was speaking to a representative of their company about it, I asked if I had to reobtain any files or information and they said that it shouldn't be necessary. With that resolved, I was ...
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  7. LB log - 20130804

    I might have to buy a new bike. The main gear in the rear wheel was something that I already had to take apart and reconstruct once, because the inner most gear wheel warped and became loose. Since then, I had the bike speed set one speed lower so that it would function. When I went about to go to work today, the gear spun freely as I pedaled and didn't catch the wheel. I asked my mother in law to visit a local bike shop to see if that gear piece can be purchased. She went to two places and came ...
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  8. LB log - 20130803

    It took at least an hour of flopping around in bed like a dry fish before I finally got to sleep. Waking up was difficult, and there were periods in the early morning of work where I felt more drained than normal. However, the rest of the day at retail went good enough, and the issue with the roof on the house seems to have been with a few nail-wide holes that my parents helped patch up after dinner.


    (earlier - confrontations due to articles which showcase notorious ...
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  9. LB log - 20130802

    Just before my wife went to bed, we came to discover a drip coming from the ceiling, where the slide away panel is made to access the attic. There were a few incidents of sudden heavy downpours through the day, and this didn't happen earlier today in the morning when it came down hard, but it did here at night. I had to go out in the rain to get the ladder from the attic to peer into the upper space. The fiberglass around the portal was damp on the side where the water dripped out, but an adjacent ...
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  10. LB log - 20130730

    I guess I was due for a long hibernation, as I was in bed at 1030 last night and didn't crawl out until 130PM today. So much for getting an earlier start on the day. I have to help mom out with something tomorrow morning, so at least it won't be a repeat occurrence in this night.


    19320909 22:12:48

    MT-N alleyway

    Helen found it to be easier to slip out of her bedroom window and leave from the house this time. With tomorrow being Saturday, ...
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  11. LB log - 20130728



    19320825 21:44:36

    Helen Allegra held her right eye fully open as she lay upon her side on the bed, with her brain still fully attentive and unable to be at rest. Tonight's performance from her parents was the standard routine once it began, and more than likely the dialogue (which she didn't bother to eavesdrop upon this time) was similar as well; her Mom would bring up something about money, like grocery money or the water bill or wanting ...
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  12. LB log - 20130727



    18810408 15:38:11

    Richard's grin spread widely across his face as he watched his father wring the white powder over his dark hands. However, he didn't keep his gaze on the hands for long, and let his eyes dart around the room to drink the scenery into his body - the mere act of being in the room was excitement enough. As he looked across the room and saw pictures of people he didn't recognize, and books with no words on their spines filling ...

    Updated 28 Jul 2013 at 01:16 AM by dog$

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  13. LB log - 20130726


    19111007 20:24:39


    The cue met the mark on the left side on the striped nine, but only with enough force to inch it towards the empty pocket in front of it before coming to a rest on the edge. The cue stopped in a direct line from the ten ball with ten inches between them and two inches to the pocket. David Rothchild grimaced and took a long drag on his cigar while stepping backwards, then holding the glowing tobacco high above the ...
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  14. LB log - 20130725


    19111006 22:17:02


    The ambient noise in the small bar was rapidly increasing, now that the workers of the second shift from the nearby factory were starting to file in. Speech in coarse Germanic and Slavic tongues filled the air. There was some discussion of the work conditions and the need for the Union to ask for a push to change things inside. Others exchanged the latest news about their wives and children. Maroa sat with Daniel Christenson ...
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  15. LB log - 20130724

    With the last of the difficult and necessary tax form work done and awaiting IRS response to progress further, I think it's time for me to honor my word and get back to writing some Everstreets draft content. It'll take me a bit of hand wringing to get back into the motions, but I have to start somewhere. Also, across my old master draft compilation and the log file which I kept from entries that I posted here, I have somewhere around sixty thousand words written for the story. The time will come ...
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