Conversation Between Shin Johnpv and Rated E

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Woot woot Happy almost xmas Shin!
  2. Finch was saying some things on my page.
  3. That's kind of sad I wanted to talk nerdy animation and art stuff with the finch man. You should add me as well Beleedat154, I have very few people on aim to talk to.
  4. Btw, Finch will never be on Aim. He's too busy hanging out at Karaoke bars and chick-Fil-A trying to get booty.
  5. I think I need to see picture proof of the level of pinkness in your place.
  6. Haha, well the magnitude of my pinkness can only truly be experienced in person, especially at my house... I'm a sick, sick person.
  7. You and Anne Bonny should battle to see who is Queen of the pink. I think you have more pink on your profile than her and she claims to be the pink lady.
  8. Hope finals are going well and that you passed everything and your new bf brings the sexy.
  9. Good luck with finals and the new relationship and moving and all that! TNL will be here when you get internet back.
  10. Thanks Shin. I've been having finals, and I'm in the middle of packing up my stuff and moving into a new apartment, so that's taking up a lot of my time. I'm good though, just busy.
  11. I have not seen you around the board lately so I hope all is well.
  12. When ever I see your name I think of one of my best friends from college who would always go eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! all the time.
  13. This is a mighty amount of pink.
  14. Rated EEEEEEEEeeeeeee!
Showing Visitor Messages 26 to 39 of 39
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