Conversation Between Hot Like Wasabi and Pineapple

21 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday Wasabi, hope it's excellent for you man!
  2. Happy Birthday HLW!!!
  3. Of course man, I hope it was a great one!
  4. Thanks for the Bday message!
  5. Happy Birthday man, hope it's nice and warm where you are (even though it ALWAYS is)!
  6. Lol I feel so thanked, and all messages were properly explained!
  7. I don't know why it said my first message was too short if it posted it, anyways here's a third message explaining the first two!
  8. Thanks man, I appreciate it!
  9. Thanks bro!!!
  10. Happy Birthday 'sabi!!!
  12. Thanks for the bday wishes homie!!
  13. Happy Birthday sir! I am eating chinese food now, without wasabi mind you, because wasabi is horrible. You disgust me, sir. GOOD DAY.
  14. Thanks man, much appreciated!
  15. Happy Bday Bro!!!
  16. Anytime my friend, enjoy!!!
  17. Thanks for the bday message!
  18. Happy Birthday HLW, I expect you'll be in your birthday suit all day
  19. No problem man, hope it was great!
  20. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Just saw it!
  21. Happy Birthday dude!! Maybe some Worms tonight?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 21 of 21 logo