Conversation Between Doc Holliday and catsmeow

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. I like that SSJN hasn't taken off his Christmas Av.
  2. i sent you an email. check-check it out!!!
  3. I bet that chick going wild in the back is a beast in the bed...
  4. only for a select few
  5. is that even possible?
  6. youre impossibly awesome
  7. are you kidding me? im the queen of flannel you just dont know.
  8. Cat wearing flannel is like Kurt Cobain wearing a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts.
  9. Wow. There's a whole conversation going on in here and I'm completely missing out!
  10. youre back! very exciting.
Showing Visitor Messages 26 to 35 of 35
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