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LR2 log - 20111029

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All kinds of strung out and bracing for a shitty session. Yeehaw.


8480; 3058 2364 1228 287 741 Combo 161 A -1320

caudaemorducus, ALL MY TURN-このターンに、オレの全てを賭ける-, pluto, 雨色セカイ, jumbo

Right now I'm in the stage where it feels like I'm simultaneously exhausted and overstimulated. This went better than I was expecting. All My Turn blended nicely into Pluto. Played Jumbo rather well in comparison to how I think the last few plays went, so I think.

EX Mode - maybe finish Happy Sky? Not sure how long I'll want to go.
			ex	pgr	gr	go	b	p	p/f	nc	onc	%+ 	date
pollinosis		1813	0663	0487	0114	0033	0181	F	1395	0829	068.27	2011-10-29T23:54:00:938Z
poodle			2427	0944	0539	0091	0040	0130	F	1676	1438	016.55	2011-10-29T23:56:57:563Z
rage against usual	1868	0687	0494	0130	0035	0170	F	1433	1215	017.94	2011-10-29T23:59:52:141Z
scream squad		1505	0563	0379	0076	0016	0089	F	1088	1072	001.49	2011-10-30T00:03:02:728Z
scripted connection N	1895	0679	0537	0124	0056	0218	F	1510	1178	028.18	2011-10-30T00:05:59:826Z
scripted connection H	2032	0656	0720	0380	0214	0699	F	2374	1366	073.79	2011-10-30T00:08:56:570Z
scripted connection A	2130	0709	0712	0358	0245	0726	F	2524	1382	082.63	2011-10-30T00:11:41:268Z
sexy sexy chevy		1631	0641	0349	0054	0014	0047	P	1082	0913	018.51	2011-10-30T00:14:14:874Z
sigsig			2112	0812	0488	0084	0042	0138	F	1496	1259	018.82	2011-10-30T00:17:00:370Z
spark			1374	0562	0250	0020	0004	0024	P	0844	0825	002.30	2011-10-30T00:19:32:511Z
tant pis pour toi	1258	0492	0274	0043	0010	0029	P	0832	0676	023.07	2011-10-30T00:22:08:027Z
tizona d'el cid		1753	0678	0397	0055	0009	0027	P	1150	1000	015.00	2011-10-30T00:25:04:624Z
toe jam (r)		1135	0451	0233	0017	0001	0002	P	0704	0704	0	2011-10-30T00:27:47:039Z
twelfth style		2003	0647	0709	0341	0181	0544	F	2188	1070	104.48	2011-10-30T00:30:58:499Z
under the sky		1926	0793	0340	0093	0054	0190	F	1378	0830	066.02	2011-10-30T00:34:07:508Z
vault of heaven		1675	0620	0435	0057	0015	0094	F	1189	1020	016.56	2011-10-30T00:36:40:084Z
xepher			2228	0802	0624	0167	0086	0290	F	1864	1498	024.43	2011-10-30T00:41:57:909Z
votum stellarum		1478	0567	0344	0079	0007	0020	P	1010	0955	004.66	2011-10-30T00:45:15:960Z
We are Disっ娘よっつ打ち命	1486	0599	0288	0029	0007	0026	P	0938	0873	007.44	2011-10-30T00:48:31:205Z
Yeah, that's plenty for now. Still have company over and other things to do. Naturally, despite my initial gauge of feeling I played not as shitty as I could have or expected.

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