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LB log - 20120920

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What's the significance of this number? Wiki knows -

The number 2,147,483,647 is the eighth Mersenne prime, equal to (2^31) − 1. It is one of only four known double Mersenne primes.

The primality of this number was proven by Leonhard Euler, who reported the proof in a letter to Daniel Bernoulli written in 1772. Euler used trial division, improving on Cataldi's method, so that at most 372 divisions were needed. The number 2,147,483,647 may have remained the largest known prime until 1876.
Euler was a badass.

The reason that I bring this up is in light of the process which I'm doing for finally compiling usable test data for the IRS Form 1120 series of Software Development. On the 1120 Schedule M3, there's a few fields that they have values which are greater than three billion. I enter them, and after I tab out of the field, the number is magically changed from what I entered to 2147483647. As it turns out, the program correctly set the fields as integer types, and it had never happened until today that I entered a value in the integer field which surpassed its unstated limit. Making the change to handle the value is easy enough - just change the type from Int to Float and format the digit data format to prevent decimals from coming out (as the IRS doesn't parse them, and the formatting is done with num{zzzzzzzzzzzzzz9}), but this means that I'll have to keep an eye out for values that exceed the limit in the future and have to make changes as necessary. All things I wish I would have known sooner but that's what testing is for, right?

Extra Mode.
			EX% & Rank	EX.p/f		combo	nc	onc	%+ 	date
love again tonight @	79.27 AA	0880.P	355.		0321	0555			2012-09-20T22:44:04:437Z

wilis @			28.16 E		1179.F	372.435.708.205.761	0068	2093			2012-09-20T22:47:28:143Z

the biggest roaster @	69.69 A		0782.P		0145	0561			2012-09-20T22:49:54:221Z

broadbanded @		57.95 B		1289.F	462.365.239.9.66	0171	1112			2012-09-20T22:52:39:628Z

inori @			41.88 D		1962.F	655.652.765.65.345	0100	2342			2012-09-20T22:56:04:753Z

alfashear @		68.14 A		1506.F	590.326.135.17.93	0127	1105			2012-09-20T23:00:53:134Z

baby blue blanket @	46.88 C		1960.F	668.624.463.121.420	0148	2090			2012-09-20T23:06:27:858Z

lesson 5 @		56.84 B		1851.F	669.513.313.28.201	0120	1628			2012-09-20T23:10:00:362Z

ラクエン remix @		41.99 D		1531.F	484.563.455.71.445	0082	1823			2012-09-20T23:13:19:169Z

憎しみはあの空の彼方に @	46.06 C		1723.F	611.501.385.144.549	0072	1870			2012-09-20T23:17:39:861Z

hitch hiker 2 @		72.40 A		1467.P	581.305.101.3.37	0181	1013	0880	015.11	2012-09-20T23:22:32:244Z
			02.68+		0025+	42+59-3-4-4-		0168-				2012-03-21T04:43:29:239Z

夢語 @			44.83 C		1102.F	403.	0077	1229			2012-09-20T23:35:32:538Z
Hm, pretty crappy session today. Would have passed Alfashear if I had nailed the end triple jack correctly; instead, I got taken from a 78% to a 54% or something heinous. Oh well. At least I got one increase out of the day, and Hitch Hiker 2 is one of the nicer modestly increased charts in EX.

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