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LB log - 20121206

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There are no scores to report for today, as I spent the majority of the day getting acclamated to my new TV, a Panasonic Viera P60U50.

The coupon to be used at the store could only be used today or tomorrow. I work tomorrow. There's a deal where if you apply to the store's credit card, you get a $20 cashback coupon for the first transaction, and there's another deal where if your first purchase is an electronics item exceeding a certain amount, you get the service plan paid for by a voucher. The confluence of all of these benefits tipped my hand and led me to take the plunge.

Getting the Wega HD CRT transported from here to my parent's place was an ordeal, as to be expected. Using a dolly and ratchet straps did make it much easier than it could have been, though.

The new Viera filled the entire compartment of my car. In setting it up, I reached a point where I needed it held on the ends so that I could attach the base to the middle, and there was plastic wrap around it which I didn't want to pull off before it was ready to be set. I was using a razor to cut away the plastic from the side, and as I came down for a stroke, my mother in law's hand changed her grip position and the razor cut through to the fingernail on her thumb. Thankfully it wasn't serious enough to require medical attention, but it was rather severe, and it put a dampening effect on the moment.

Before and after this, I had to attend to issues regarding my sister's house moving, so it wasn't until later that I had time to sit down and see how LunarBeat would play on this screen.

There seemed to be a blur at the normal scroll speed which I had set on the old screen. It wasn't as dramatic as some of the Youtube clips show, where notes look like they fall in triplicate. My first reaction was to lower the scroll speed, but that resulted in the same issues that I would have in playing at a slower speed regardless. After a few songs, I simply tried to play different tunes at the speed and delay settings that I had originally set, and I seem to become used to it. I had to move my table back as far as it could go in the room, and that seemed to help out.

The note scroll gives a kind of effect which makes the notes appear to have points which protrude from the sides, going upward. This might be something I'll simply have to get used to over time. Testing out some of the most difficult note charts (Exusia XA14, so to speak) resulted in a score difference which wasn't dramatically worse than any other previous play.

Overall, while I am a bit concerned about the way the notes appear in the scroll, the timing and lag seems to be no different to my responses than what I had experienced with my old Wega. If I can get used to that much, I think I have a definite keeper.

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