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Thread: A serious situtation...

  1. #1

    A serious situtation...

    How much would you say something like this is worth? I really want it... but I know I would have to pay even more money to hook it up properly.

    It really doesn't matter to me. I would much rather have an actual Neo cabinet than one of the generic cabinets that many sites sell.

    If you were a crazy bastard (like me) how much would you pay?

  2. I much would I pay? I'd pee on it and walk away. How much would I pay if I were a crazy bastard (like you)? Hmm... $75?
    Buy Yakuza and Oblivion. Help yourself, help TNL.

  3. The condition doesn't look too hot and Japanese cabs are so much smoother.

    Pass on it. Save for something nicer.

  4. $75 if you don't need to pay shipping...i really agree with click though...

  5. Well it doesn't have a moniter and it looks like it might need quite a bit of work, unless you know what you are doing and have access to cheap parts including a moniter I would say pass.

  6. I say pass as well. That thing has seen better days... Something better will come along, you should put your money towards that instead.

  7. Do it! Do it! I am not your voice of reason, but instead latching onto the tiny part of your mind that says go ahead now! Buy it ASAP!

  8. That is a seriously ugly cabinet. Pass.

  9. It's hard to check the condition from that pic, but the essential components look good.

    But if you can get a good deal on a a monitor and the hardware I'd say $150.

    That might be kinda high, but I'm a sucker for any of the red neo cabs.


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