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Thread: Jango Fett and Green Goblin

  1. Jango Fett and Green Goblin

    Speed 2, the worse sequel ever, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, sorry not funny at all.

    Any who, lets discuss the pros and cons of Movie Sequels (including prequels, like Star Wars ep1 etc..).

  2. Seriously, lets name sequals better than the original-
    Empire Strikes Back
    Evil Dead 2
    pwned by Ivan

  3. Aliens is better than Alien.
    T2 is better than Teriminator.

  4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn was better than the first Star Trek movie.

    I liked Hellraiser 2 better than the first plus For a Few Dollars More and The Good, Bad and the Ugly were better than A Fist Full of Dollars IMAO.

  5. I do not understand the title of this thread.

    Dolemite, the Bad-Ass King of all Pimps and Hustlers
    Gymkata: I mean look at da lil playah woblin his way into our hearts in the sig awwwwwww

  6. Originally posted by Dolemite
    I do not understand the title of this thread.
    Willem Defoe (GG) and Temura Morrison (JF) were both in Speed 2, which Nemesis says is an awful sequel (I can't say the same since I smartly avoided that movie). It was an eye catcher to us in here, and it worked.

  7. Well, Speed 2 was undeniably AWFUL. Terrirble film. Didnt know Jango Fett was in it though.

  8. #8
    Sequels(or prequels)that are better than the originals:

    Empire Strikes Back
    Attack of the Clones
    Terminator 2
    Originally posted by Lordmrw
    You should have your testicles kicked in and a permanent squeaky voice as a eternal reminder you of what you've just said.
    lordmrw on the subject of praising E.T. on Atari

  9. Perhaps, you guys didn't understand the meaning of this thread. I mean, why are those sequels/prequels good and why are some sequels/prequels bad.

    By the way, my list is:
    Empire Strikes Back
    Terminator 2
    Predator 2
    The Godfather Part 2
    Lord of The Rings: Two Towers
    Blade 2
    Attack of the Clones
    The Mummy Returns

  10. I think the next Matrix movie will be better than the first.

    But to go back to what Nemesis spoke of earlier, I think some sequels/prequels work or don't work due to how good the continuity between the films are.

    Case in point: 48 hours and The Next 48 hours.
    The suspended belief there was that Eddie Murphy's character didn't ever see Nick Nolte's cop friend in the first movie, so that way he could be the Iceman in the next one. It works there.

    Next point: The Mummy& The Mummy Returns.
    In these movies Brendan Fraiser's character had a birthmark that you didn't see in the first movie. That made it possible for him to be the chosen one in the second movie. But, how come the main bad guy didn't reconize Fraser's g/f in the first movie as the daughter of his enemy? It doesn't really work there.

    Plot holes have alot to do with it. Thus it all depends on how they interweave the intricaties between the movies. It's more tougher to do with prequels because now you have to return to a time when the movie budgets weren't as big as they are today (ie: Enterprise and the Star Wars prequels)

    Sequels on the other hand get easier depending on what new direction the director takes and what gets used from the previous movie. Bigger budgets, returning stars also gets taken into account. Of course the movie can still bomb ala Speed 2. :jest:


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