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Thread: The Joys of Dreamcast VGA

  1. ...

    Well I have a swtichbox setup for my RGB setup and I honestly can't notice any signal loss, and I'm pretty anal about picture quality. I have the console cables (which are short) attached the extension cables which are attached to a 4 way swtichbox which is outputted to the RGB input on my Sony monitor. Now even with all this routing, the signal is crisp and clean, I've asked others too if they could notice a signal loss, and they couldn't either. And all the switching supplies only cost me 20 bucks or so total.

    Does it have something to do with the VGA aspect of things?

    BTW, you can also split a consoles RGB output between 2 monitors (to create the back to back feel of Japanese tournament) -- there IS signal loss when you do this, but it does work (it's just too much power for the small console to handle). Both screens just loss some brightness. I prefer to just stick with composite switching for now, but it's cool to know that the systems can run dual RGB monitor as well (thanks to Matt's work once again!)

    "50,000! You scored 50,000 points on Double Dragon?"

  2. so whats the best, but affordable VGA for dreamcast? im thinking about buying one.

  3. I got the cheapest one I could find. It was $15 when I bought it.

    It works just fine.


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