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Thread: $5 New Rygar at EB RIGHT NOW! (prolly not for long)

  1. Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman
    I certainly hope Ninja Gaiden would be a slightly better game and wouldn't be thrown into the $5 bargain bin as quickly as Rygar did...
    Like I said above, the game is back up to the $25 bargin bin. The $5 was probably a mistake somewhere that has been fixed at most EBs by now.

  2. #32
    Nightfire is back up to $20 on Xbox.

  3. Just got back with Night Fire and EggMania. My store has been cleaned out of Rygars, and there is only 1 Night Fire left. But there are still plenty of NCAA 2k3's!!!!111

  4. That sucks, I just missed it.

  5. Ha! You all shoulda been faster. I got mine!

  6. thanks for the tip, just got myself a copy for $5.

    they had one more, I might have got it, but i only had $10 on me.

  7. Oooh, that third level sure is purty, ain't it? Anyone who said graphics don't matter never played this game. I reckon I'm having about twice as much fun as if it looked like a typical PSX game. But enough positivity, on with the complaints!

    What in god's sweet hell is up with the "hints" about when to use your powers, e.g. "Press down + X to slide" when you're near a hidden passage close to the ground? Sweet mother of god, this has to be the single worst thing about modern gaming. Can you imagine if the classic platformers like Super Mario 3 told you, "Fly here, f00. Hidden secret on cloud above j00r head."? Indeed, it would've sucked beyond measure. Why is this the current norm? Are designers/developers really that clueless or are today's gamers really that stupid/impatient that they need help like this lest they throw the game down in frustration never to return? Does focus testing reflect people want or need this level of hand-holding? I seriously feel like this game thinks I'm a retarded five-year-old. Keep your goddamn arrows and hint systems, give me the vague-as-hell Ecco setup any day. I want to feel like I'm being smart and discovering stuff in an adventure game -- I know I must be a lunatic or something.

  8. Rygar is more of a hilarious psychological experiment and art display than a game.

    It tests your resistance to slot-machines... (judging by the volume of complaints, I'd recommend that many players should stay far away from Vegas)
    Have a Pile of Shame? Destroy it! Join the Warpact

  9. Rygar is, indeed, a beautiful game. Just wait 'til you get to the Poseiden Shrine. And then later on, when you're hopping through the clouds...amazing.

  10. Me and Rhydant got the last two copies at our local store... god bless this thread...


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