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Thread: Modern Ruins

  1. Modern Ruins

    Very cool site, check it out. The photographer has a great eye and sense of composition.

    Dolemite, the Bad-Ass King of all Pimps and Hustlers
    Gymkata: I mean look at da lil playah woblin his way into our hearts in the sig awwwwwww

  2. some of thatta looks really cool but others loke like theyre militaryt fotos

  3. Like g0zen said in Sound Off, you're suddenly typing like you're drunk.

    Dolemite, the Bad-Ass King of all Pimps and Hustlers
    Gymkata: I mean look at da lil playah woblin his way into our hearts in the sig awwwwwww

  4. These are awesome. There's a section at Video Fenky too.

  5. ..

    heelllooo new desktops, thanks for the link dolemite.

  6. Very cool, thanks for the link. I love ruins.
    I don't know how to get rid of the huge space here.


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