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Thread: Hubbardism (not scientoligist related).

  1. Hubbardism (not scientoligist related).

    OK, I'm stoned on painkillers right now (fucking migraine), so perhaps this isn't as cool as I currently think it is, but I'll post it anyway. I apologise in advance.

    On some level, we're basically a collective conciousness. Virtually everything we know and have learned has been taught to us by another ego, and virtually everything they know and have learned is from another one, etc. We basically reflect knowledge. This is the key reason why our species kicks all the other animals ass.

    This got me thinking. Perhaps we really are a collective concious, where we are all branches to one tree of being. Nothing new here.

    BUT, perhaps this single concious entity is really the mind of a person from another dimension, the real world. This universe could be a result of his/her mind, a dream world. Perhaps in reality, dreams are persistant, so all the manifestations of his mind continue to exist even while he's awake.

    There are many strange things that don't make total sense here, such as how we enjoy violence, how we always want what we can't have, etc. Perhaps all of these things don't exist in reality, and are flaws in the persons dream world, kinda like all the weird shit that happens in our dreams.

    This theory can explain alot of other things. Such as what is god, and who was jesus christ. Basically, its said that jesus is both the child and manifestation of god on earth. This part is often confusing to people learning about christianity. How can Jesus be god aswell as gods son? Well, perhaps Jesus was the guy whose mind we're in, actively taking part in his own dream (ie he's sleeping). Jesus would have been spawned by his own mind (aka god) into existance in this plane, while still being god himself. He was lucid, and as such could perform miracles. When Jesus died he simply woke up, hence the prophecies of his return. The reason he hasn't returned yet is because of the inconsistancy of dream time.

    I'm sure this could be elaborated on to a much greater extent than I have. Perhaps we can become lucid ourselves? Maybe this is how all dimensions work. Perhaps he is in another dream world of someone else, and we exist in a dream within a dream. If this man dies, will we all? Does this raise further ethical problems of murder, being that killing 1 person kills an infinite amount of people?

    Perhaps you are the dreamer and you aren't lucid...

    I hope I spelled concious right...

  2. You didnt. Kill yourself.

  3. You're lucky, I only come up with cool shit like that when I'm waking up in the morning. My mind is awake enough to be coherent, but not enough to be clouded by my senses. When I'm stoned or drunk I tend to just run around alot and say random strange shit.

    Anyway, my thoughts:

    Yes, we are vectors of what is essentially genetic (biological) and memetic (metaphysical) information, but we are not passive vectors. In the same way you're made up of a unique selection of genes, some of which WILL mutate and new information will be created; your mind selects and modifies information (memes) creating new information. That's pretty much essential to the "advancement" of the human race. You're your own "mix" of information, you are a unique snowflake, and you have a soul. Don't belive Chuck Palahniuk, he's gay, literally and figuratively.

    I love that idea of the world is the conscious creation of something in another universe. But our universe loves fractals, and a common theme is smaller spheres spinning around largers spheres. So maybe the universe exists inside or is the product of a giant sphere with little spheres orbiting it.


    ^_^ Kekekeke
    Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim.

  4. note: writing not related to L Ron Hubbard in any way. My last name is Hubbard too, and I'm not a scientologist.

    come to think of it, I should probably change the title so they don't think its about scientology...

  5. Yeah, I knew this was your own theory. I thought you were just kind of linking it to L.Ron Hubbard's similar.. kinda... theories since HUbbardism is another name for Scientology.

    Sorry bro!

    BTW Beck and Tom Cruise are gay.
    Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim.

  6. Agreed, however, Tom Cruise has surprisingly good musical taste.

  7. You lost me when you came up with the idea that the collective conciousness was the mind of a being from another universe.

    The problem with that theory is that this mind has to be thinking in a billion times in parallel. It is much easer to assume that humanity is manipulated by this entity towards a direction he/she wants. And thus is the concept of god.

  8. #8
    arjue did you ever get that book you were looking for about dreams?

  9. Quote Originally Posted by Damian79
    It is much easer to assume that humanity is manipulated by this entity towards a direction he/she wants. And thus is the concept of god.
    Whatever... and God is capitalised you heathen bitch.
    Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim.

  10. OMFG I am t3h P4G4N!!11


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