Ubisoft has provided another extensive updated for <b>Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow</b> including patches for multiplayer issues and other miscellaneous bugs.

The auto-update will definitely make playing the game online a lot more enjoyable, especially now that the leaderboards will also be back in operation starting next week (once the Microsoft tourney concludes).

The list of updates includes:
<li>Improved communication quality in the lobby: so you can tell who's talking.
<li>Game session options allow players to select the designated language he wishes to speak. You'll find the options available in the Optimatch criteria.
<li>"Games in a Row" and "Revenge" parameters has been omitted from the ranking mode.
<li>Players will now be alerted when the host changes the game- or ranking options. (The game mode is displayed in orange and the ranking icon blinks). This remains until the ready state is switched on again.
<li>In-game, we now add a little up or down arrow to show whether an
objective indicated by an Enhanced Reality icon is located below or above
the player's location.
<li>Splinter Cell PT now tests if there's an opposite wall close enough before sticking a spy trap.

<b>The following are major bugs that have been fixed in the auto-update:</b>
<li>Corrupt profile messages have been remove when a profile is created when it's created in the offline mode and later used in the onlein mode. New profiles
may now be used in both parts safely.
<li>In-game freezes while hacking a ND133 or at the end of the game have been fixed. The update also corrected players who were temporarily immobilized when another player fell on their head.
<li>The ranking system has been recomputed, using a linear system (100
points = 1 level). Players above 10,000 points are ranked AA. Players with
negative points are ranked 0.
<li>When a player leaves a game session, the update will now issue a fixed and higher penalty (25, 50 or 100 depending on current scores). In addition, penalties may be applied partially (as long as a player has some positive points in the current specific leader board). If the penalty cannot be applied
completely, the remaining penalty is kept and will be applied next time.
<li>The ranking score board now contains more information:
<ul type="square">
<li>Number of points lost during the game
<li>Penalty applied (due to a disconnection at a previous game session)
<li>Total number of points in the specific leaderboard (e.g. "spy in neutraliziation mode)
<li>Total number of points in overall leaderboard
<li>The number of points lost or gained are computed using the overall leaderboard points.
<li>Penalties are not tracked and displayed in the ranking details when players access the overall leaderboards.

Without a doubt, this is the biggest update yet, and soon fans can look forward to some exciting new content downloads. Stay tuned.