I had no idea this was coming out until I saw it at E3. I approached the bongos assuming I was going to try <i>Donkey Konga</i>, only to find myself slapping and clapping to get DK past some platforms. It's kind of like <i>Samba de Amigo</i> meets <i>Mario</i>, and it was perfect for the pent-up frustration endemic to the Nintendo booth. When most of the games are crowded three-deep, it's a small triumph to get some time on a controller you can slap silly. No, not much rhythm needed, just a lot of energy.

<a href="http://www.the-nextlevel.com/previews/gamecube/donkey-kong-jungle-beat/">See what all the noise is about in our preview of <i>Donkey Kong Jungle Beat</i></a>