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Thread: Typoglycemia

  1. Question Typoglycemia

    It's knid of wried, but antealprpy it desno't mtaetr if the lteetrs in a wrod are out of oerdr, jsut as lnog as the fsirt and lsat letetrs are in pcale. Bucease taht's how the bairn rcegoizens wrods, by the sahpe of the wrod as a wlohe, not the odrer of the lteters.

    So if you hvae raed tihs far, you hvae ntoiced taht you can udnetsrand me wtih no pborelm, eevn tuhogh the sellpnig is a toatl mses. Tihs epxailns why we can udresnatd poelpe lkie Iornpnalt or JhonPV who nveer selpl aynhitng rghit.

    Tihs pnheoemnon is claled typoglycemia, and it's knid of aamznig wehn you tinhk aoubt it. I maen, you colud raed a wohle book lkie tihs wtih no porlbem at all, jsut as lnog as the frsit and lsat lteter in ecah wrod is in the rgiht plcae.

  2. Wlcemoe to 1998. Taht's old nwes, Sridter.

  3. You konw, aolt of the tmie poeple psot tihngs hree, and tehn smoe guy cmoes in and says "lol, taht was alaerdy on the itnerent smoehwere esle it is old" lkie eevrynoe raeds 40 msseage borads a day. But raelly, I had not hread of tihs utnil lsat week.

    So it cna't taht palyed out. Or myabe I'm jsut out of the loop?

  4. Is there a site out there that does this shit for you, Strider, or are you actually going to the trouble of typing like that?

    Dolemite, the Bad-Ass King of all Pimps and Hustlers
    Gymkata: I mean look at da lil playah woblin his way into our hearts in the sig awwwwwww

  5. Quote Originally Posted by StriderKyo
    Or myabe I'm jsut out of the loop?
    Yeah, this was something I read in the newspaper like six years ago or so.

  6. Quote Originally Posted by Dolemite
    Is there a site out there that does this shit for you, Strider, or are you actually going to the trouble of typing like that?
    Acutally tpynig lkie tihs. It's not aynmroe dfifclut tahn tpying it out nromally.

  7. And for the record, I have a tremendously difficult time reading that stuff. I just knew what you were talking about because of the deliberately poor spelling.

  8. Really? I just kinda relax my brain, glide my eyes across it and take it all in with no problem. The only time I have any difficulty is when the disorder creates a different word, or something that looks like one.

    I googled it though, and apparently it's not a real term and the study people quote never happened. But maybe somebody should do one.

  9. I can read it at normal speed but the back right section of my brain kinda tenses up when I do. Its weird. Doesnt it have to do with the fact that when we read, we dont read letter by letter but word by word with pattern matching? Pretty phenomonal (sic), our brains are.


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