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Thread: Import VideoGame Catalogs

  1. #1

    Import VideoGame Catalogs

    There was a bunch of ones for $5 or less listed in EGM
    and GameFan Mags for specific Companies.

    I looked thru some of my old stuff and I found a GameCave
    mini catalog and some sort of a discount card, and an old
    TZD mini one that had all their games for sale.
    Last edited by Korian; 09 Feb 2007 at 01:49 AM.

  2. ...and?
    Boo, Hiss.

  3. #3
    if you have any please post which Companies had me.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    I'm working on compiling a list and would like to know what
    companies that are no longer in business offered them.

  6. Quote Originally Posted by Korian View Post
    if you have any please post which Companies had me.
    Did they have you at Hello?

  7. Sober up, take a nap, and try again, Korian.

  8. #8
    Sorry my thoughts came out really vauge and it didn't make
    much sense, was half asleep when posting. Anyways I'm trying
    to find info on Game Catalogs that had prices and pics and
    esp on games that never were released.

  9. Ian, why do all of your posts look like you're trying to write a poem?

  10. #10
    Korian is an artist.


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