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Thread: Spam Filter Poetry

  1. #1

    Spam Filter Poetry

    despairful unbolden fomes peages arenae probridge ramdohrite
    flabellation untitled heavenwardly debasement mytilotoxine
    conciliabule lymphology employable biseriately

    You can't even realize how lucky I am.I don't work hard all weeks long
    now.I have got the url, where I can download or just observe porn.So I
    tried to sign in there and when registration has been completed I was
    SHAKED. Freeby! Hole 3 portal are completely Unlocked.So if I wish to
    take a stop I'm going onto that portal and just have a nice time
    there. Recommended! Please, don't lend the web sites address to
    anybody, as they may notice and shut down it! I think someone has
    Unlocked it!All you need is to sign in there! The best of luck!

    site removed

    don't know,' said Aunt Petunia, unconcerned. 'Not in the house.'
    Almost as though this thought had fluttered through the open window,
    Vernon Dursley, Harry's uncle, suddenly spoke. 'Glad to see the boy's
    stopped trying to butt in. Where is he, anyway?' The hottest day of
    the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over
    the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Cars that were usually
    gleaming stood dusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald
    green lay parched and yellowing -for the use of hosepipes had been
    banned due to drought. Deprived of their usual car-washing and
    lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of Privet Drive had retreated
    into the shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope
    of tempting in a nonexistent breeze. The only person left outdoors was
    a teenage boy who was lying flat on his back in a flowerbed outside
    number four.
    On the whole, Harry thought he was to be congratulated on his idea of
    hiding here. He was not, perhaps, very comfortable lying on the hot,
    hard earth but, on the other hand, nobody was glaring at him, grinding
    their teeth so loudly that he could not hear the news, or shooting
    nasty questions at him, as had happened every time he had tried
    sitting down in the living room to watch television with his aunt and
    uncle. 'Watching the news:' he said scathingly. like to know what he's
    really up to. As if a normal boy cares what's on the news -Dudley
    hasn't got a clue what's going on; doubt he knows who the Prime
    Minister is! Anyway, it's not as if there'd be anything about his lot
    on our news -

  2. #2
    why is harry potter on there?
    Pete DeBoer's Tie
    There are no rules, only consequences.

  3. #3
    I like flabellation.

  4. oligarchist havocked schizzy refavor lignosity thaumatogeny outbeamed
    manly stridingly panphenomenalism interadditive korrel parmelioid
    rosebush arn towaways

    Oops bud! It's magnificent! I have got sites of NO paroles. I have
    never seen so MUCH SEXUAL GIRLS for no entrence fee. It's like videoTV
    online! There are so MUCH of it and everything just FOR YOU my friend!
    Just sign in. It's FREE OF CHARGE

    winterier muckender maidenship infraction fixature reiterating
    configurations harassnesses scar downtrend refocusing bodywise
    crouching strumming myosuture crystosphene retrospect gauging
    aconuresis spectroheliographic neophytes sixscore tidiness argenteum
    spheraster evolutionary flexility felix dandles combats shellhead
    heritrix cuss sagacity spokeswomanship reinstalling santonica
    scandalously stubbliest preacceptances pickthankly aldermanity
    elementalist overglance ampasimenite hope zingani grandnieces
    myrialitre fritting joss

    I'm not sure where they even get some of these words. I feel like looking all of them up.


    zabaiones manumitter oversleep cowslip iliocaudal undeservedly
    swallowed hydropneumothorax unilateralist ticketer oceloid subpoena

    och old fella! It's monumental! I have found out portals of NO MORE
    paroles. I have never got so MANY SEXUAL GIRLS for 0$. It's like
    videoTV online! There are so MANY of it and everything just FOR YOU!
    Just sign in. It's SWAG

    retromorphosed frustrations kubosh bimorph forecovert astringently
    isochlorophyllin menthenes gynophore hostilely parapack caliduct
    growthful strengthily sentrying tu apologetical counterorganization
    tagmemics linoxin scaldberry disarming awag ergodic flagellation
    hallan uncounselable espave bushtits convertors orientality extralite
    breadthwise dorsalwards underpriced pencillike baccate preacceptances
    sympodially dribble tarpaulin psychographic nonstarch portions
    mackereler idioplasmic photopositive swordfishing hamleteer
    Last edited by Rhydant; 19 Nov 2007 at 12:49 AM.

  5. #5
    I don't deal with this shit because g-mail properly filters my mail
    Pete DeBoer's Tie
    There are no rules, only consequences.

  6. Should I start reading my gmail spam?

  7. Yes. It'll be good for your vocabulary.

    Also: I use Gmail. I still get spam. It's unavoidable.

  8. Quote Originally Posted by Rhydant View Post
    Yes. It'll be good for your vocabulary.

    Also: I use Gmail. I still get spam. It's unavoidable.
    I use Gmail, I don't ever get spam in my inbox. It goes straight to Spam.

  9. #9
    The filter catches 99% of my spam. The one or so I get in my inbox each month is truly wonderful.


  10. This is the best one I have unfortunately.

    fit line black pool frogs arms,
    gay half alive, than boys folds speak.
    faint suet less roar seven, ray take, want wait crack nail cant ou.


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