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Thread: The TNL Chat Program Censors certain words.

  1. #1

    The TNL Chat Program Censors certain words.

    Specifically: nigger, faggot, and fag.

    though kike, wop, jap, cracker, coon, gook, honkey, fuck, shit, piss, cunt, bonersleeve, dick, ass, asshole, pussy, twat, and basically anything else I can think of is just fine.

    I thought we were all adults here.

  2. doc and I had fun trying to figure out what worked and didn't work a couple weeks ago. I find it silly that those words are fine on the public forum, but they get censored in private chat.
    I'm going to give Nick the benefit of the doubt and guess that it's built in and not something he or cka or anyone did.
    Still, it's some gay ass nigger faggot shit.

  3. Can't say *spic* either.

    SSJN and I like to call it Razor's Deadly Three.
    "Question the world man... I know the meaning of everything right now... it's like I can touch god." - bbobb the ggreatt

  4. #4
    nigger and faggot can't be added as thread tags either. Spic is just fine though.

    edit: niggerfaggot works!

  5. It's built into the software.

  6. Nick, Josh thought we were adults! hee hee hee
    "Question the world man... I know the meaning of everything right now... it's like I can touch god." - bbobb the ggreatt

  7. stop being homo, and use a regular irc client.. noob...

  8. #8
    I would like to point out that the words "spice" and "spicy" are censored.

  9. so are the words aslelgafaglddg and reastdspickkejhbnntd.

  10. #10
    Those aren't words.

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