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Thread: Twin Galaxies Is Gone!

  1. Twin Galaxies Is Gone!

    January 7th, 2014 - "Twin Galaxies closed", "down", "offline", "sold", "gone"....

    Over the past several weeks, this blog has been receiving a steady stream of traffic from Googlers searching under these and similar phrases.

    Anyone who types into their address bar can see for themselves that the Twin Galaxies website has indeed disappeared; offline for almost two months as of this writing.

    Being that Donkey Blog's Top 20 Donkey Kong Scores page has for some time been the second-highest ranked Google result for the query "Twin Galaxies" (only TG's Wikipedia entry ranks higher), it was inevitable that many visitors would end up here looking for answers as to what happened, why it happened, and when (or if) TG would return.

    That being the case, I felt it necessary to make a post addressing the issue and to provide some answers.

    Unfortunately, I have few to give.

  2. dankey kang kill screen coming up

  3. Umm gamevet, did you follow the link on the bottom?

    Jace Hall is the new TG boss

  4. I always felt Twin Galaxies was a bit shady. I wish I had kept the email but years ago when I lived in Florida, some Twin Galaxies representatives were coming to a local Barnes&Noble to do a signing and I emailed asking about some details (I was like 15) and the email I got back was asking if I could be a part of the event and actually autograph the latest high score book as if I was in it. I remember replying "I'll have to ask my parents" and I never heard back after that amazingly
    "Remember, not knowing how to cook is like not knowing how to fuck."
    Geek in the Desert


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