
Canada shares the world's longest undefended border with the Odyssey²'s country of origin, so it made sense for O2 games to be sold there. But Magnavox faced a problem: many Canadians speak French, so the English packaging made for the American market wouldn't sell up north.

At first, Magnavox solved this by printing cardboard slipcovers that were placed over American boxes. These covers featured the game title and description printed in both French and English, and allowed the box art to be viewed through a hole in the front. A French version of the game's manual (identical to the English version other than the language) was included with each Canadian game. Unfortunately, the slipcovers had to be removed before the boxes could be opened. Many slipcovers were therefore thrown away, making them rather uncommon today. They undoubtedly represented an extra printing cost as well, so they ultimately weren't a very good solution to the language problem.

Right about the time the Challenger Series hit the market, North American Philips started using the same kind of plastic boxes that they used in Europe and Brazil to sell games in Canada. Plastic-box Canadian releases contained French and English manuals, but they also contained a one-sheet of the box art that displayed the game title in both languages. This insert served as the "cover" of the box, and was undoubtedly cheaper to produce than the slipcovers had been.

Canadian cartridge labels are extremely generic and were adhered with cheap glue, so they often fall off. They all feature the same photo of a console and TV screen playing Speedway!, regardless of what game is actually on the cart. French and English game titles are shown above the photo. Occasionally, regular American-labeled carts turn up in Canadian boxes, and it's possible that a few European Videopacs were sold in Canada as well. Videopac 38: Munchkin is frequently seen in Canadian Odyssey" lots sold online.

The Database lists only those Canadian games that have been seen with combination French/English packaging. Each game is listed by its French title to distinguish it from its American counterpart.

Odyssey² Games

Title No. Publisher
Associations!/Logix!/Devinettes! AJ9407 Magnavox
Baseball! AJ9408 Magnavox
Bataille de Blindés!/Chasse Aux Sous-Marins! AJ9403 Magnavox
Billiard À Blouses! Magnavox
Blackjack Style Las Vegas! AJ9401 Magnavox
Conflit Cosmique! AJ9411 Magnavox
Confrontation en 2100 Aprés J.-C.! AK9416 Magnavox
Démolition!/Destruction! AA9427 Magnavox
Dynastie! AK9421 Magnavox
Envahisseurs Extra-Terrestres! AA9428 Magnavox
Football! AJ9402 Magnavox
Golf Électronique! AJ9410 Magnavox
Guerre aux OVNIS! Magnavox
Hockey!/Soccer! Magnavox
Invasion Intersidérale! AK9414 Magnavox
J'ai le Bon Numero! Magnavox
K.C. Broyefer! AC9435 Magnavox
La Course Folle!/Tête-À-Queue!/Crypto-Logic! AJ9400 Magnavox
La Grande Chasse de Broyefer! AC9442 Magnavox
La Guerre des Nerfs! AK9417 Magnavox
Les Défenseurs de la Liberté! AC9436 Magnavox
Machine À Boules! AK9415 Magnavox
Machine À Sous! Magnavox
Math-A-Magic!/Echo! AJ9405 Magnavox
Pierre et la Pioche! AC9437 Magnavox
Prenez L'Argent et Filez! Magnavox
Singeries! AB9432 Magnavox
Ski Alpin! Magnavox
Soccer de Table Électronique! AA9423 Magnavox
Volley-Ball! Magnavox
Voyage dans l'espace! / Sauvetage par hélicoptère! AB9432 Magnavox

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