Cyber Terminal

Download the latest patches, documentation and other aids from the Cafe Tropico Cyber Terminal, your island connection to the outside world.

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If you would like to add something to this list, please send items or links to Cafe Tropico.

File Description Source
Official Patches/Demo/Scenarios
Mucho Macho Bonus Scenarios
(1.9 MB)
Get 12 new scenarios from the Mucho Macho / Tropico Gold edition for free! FilePlanet
Tropico Patch 1.53
(1.0 MB)
This patch is the latest patch for Paradise Island and Mucho Macho/ Tropico Gold versions. Do NOT use it on the original Tropico version, use patch 1.07 below for that version. Also, you must install patch 1.51 from below before installing this file. For more instructions, read the installation instructions at Take2 Games. Take2 Games
Tropico Patch 1.51
(6.2 MB)
This patch must be installed before installing patch 1.53 for Paradise Island and Mucho Macho/ Tropico Gold versions. See the Patch 1.51 Readme File for information on the changes. Take2 Games
Tropico Patch 1.07
(749 KB)
See the History file for information on this and previous updates.
See the instructions page for instructions on how to install this file.
Take2 Games
Tropico Editor Update 1.03
(80 KB)
Updated editor files for version 1.03. Requires Tropico version 1.03 or higher. FilePlanet
Tropico Demo
(172.6 MB)
Tropico Demo. Allows play of the Tropico Tutorial only but you can continue to play on the sample island after the tutorial is over. FilePlanet
Tropico Cheat Codes and Hot Keys
(4 KB)
Handy printable text file of all cheat codes and hot keys, now updated for version 1.03/1.04! Rich Nagel
Gamespot Tropico Game Guide Online Version
Excellent game guide with strategies from Gamespot. Click here to go to the online version. Gamespot
Map Editor
Tropico Event Creator
(2422 KB)
A useful program to assist in editing events for Tropico user scenarios. Watch out for some bugs though. Lord_Corwin
Tropico Event Creator Data Files
(6 KB)
Data files for the Tropico Event Creator above, updated for version 1.03 and reorganized per Editor Manual below. Cafe Tropico
Tropico Scenario Editor Manual
(111 KB) MS Word doc
The map editor documentation from PopTop compiled into one Word document. Now updated for editor version 1.03 and version 1.5 Paradise Island, with annotations by Cafe Tropico. Conditions and effects reorganized for easy location. Lord_Corwin / Mercator / CafeDave
Tropico Scenario Author Template
(2 KB)
A handy template for creators of user scenarios to record information about the scenario and the author. Updated to add game version required. Rich Nagel
Tropico Buildings List
(28 KB)
A list of buildings that can and cannot be built using the Shift-O buildings command in Word/Wordpad format. Steve_S
Tropico Extra Buildings Image
(230 KB)
An image showing all the buildings that can be built using the Shift-O buildings command. Rich Nagel
General Files
Hardcopy Utility
(2015 KB)
Here's a great shareware utility with many uses, including making screenshots and printouts from Tropico! I have included a ReadMe2.txt file with tips on using Hardcopy with Tropico. Thanks to the German site Tropico Island for posting this file. Go here for the latest version of this program.