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GameBoy Color Lady Sia Developer: TDK Mediactive | Publisher: Majesco
Type: Action/Adventure Skill Level: N/A
Players: 1 Available: Summer 2001

TDK Mediactive have announced plans to ship Lady Sia for the Game Boy Advance system to stores this summer. Lady Sia, star of this original action adventure game, is the warrior princess of the Shapeshifters.

In Lady Sia, you are a young, courageous warrior princess attempting to save your beloved homeland from the cruel and heartless beastmen, the T'soas. After finding yourself in a dark and damp jail cell, you must escape and somehow reach the giant griffin who can whisk you away to safety. In your perilous journey, you must collect weapons and magical powers to defeat increasingly formidable foes.

Throughout the game you will encounter four action-packed worlds that include: The Human World, Peripheral Realms, Sia's Kingdom, and the T'soa Empire. Each world contains five separate levels of challenging play, plus two bonus levels where you face your archenemy, Onimen. Along the way, Onimen's evil minions, the Tigermen, Pelicanmen, and Waspmen, keep you on your toes while the ferocious Weaselwomen and Chameleonmen lie in wait.

Additional features include:

  • Head-to-head combat with 21 different enemies.
  • Battle enormous boss sprites by morphing into a giant sasquatch.
  • Full-screen magical effects.
  • Dozens of secret passages, bonuses, and goals.
  • The ability to take advantage of new 32-bit graphics capabilities of the GameBoy Advance system.
  • 32 Megabits ROM game pak.
  • Save Game feature.

    The player battles as young Sia on the adventure of a lifetime in this heart-pounding, magical journey to save her beloved land from her enemies. "'Lady Sia' is like no other game on the market to date," said Vincent Bitetti, chief executive officer of TDK Mediactive. "With 'Sia' we have the opportunity to reach not only the core handheld audience but also a new female audience while capitalizing on the technological strengths of the highly anticipated Game Boy Advance platform."

    · · · Bahn

















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