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GameBoy AdvanceSuper Mario Advance Developer: Nintendo | Publisher: Nintendo
Type: Platform Skill Level: N/A
Players: 1-4 Available: Summer 2001

Super Mario Bros. 2 has always been the odd stepchild of the venerable series, which is understandable given its origins. Originally conceived as Doki Doki Pani in Japan, at first the game had nothing to do with Mario at all. However, after deciding not to release the Japanese version of Super Mario 2, (known to American gamers now as Super Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels) Nintendo gave a slight cosmetic alteration to DDP and voil, we have the American version of Mario 2. While many weren’t sure what to think about the changes the game offered (the classic "butt stomp" mechanic was nowhere to be found, replaced with an odd "pick-up-stuff-and-throw-it-at-your enemy" tactic), I for one found it to be immensely pleasurable and innovative in a world where every platformer either played exactly like Super Mario (butt stomp) or Castlevania (attack with weapons).

So naturally, imagine my pleasure when it became apparent that the first Gameboy Advance incarnation of Mario would have more in common with his second U.S. outing than anything else. Yep, it’s true folks, Super Mario Advance (as it’s known thus far) definitely looks to favor the world of Shyguys, Birdos, and Mousers instead of having to stomp on a Goomba’s head, and I couldn’t be happier.

Graphically, the game is looking stellar, easily on the same level as Super Mario World for Super Nintendo. However, I have to wonder - will it really look that good? Part of the reason that portable games have always lacked any real graphical kick was due to the fact that they didn’t use their own source of lighting, and as a result games often looked kind of dulled and gray. But a counterpoint to this is that to design a handheld with it’s own light source results in a much shorter battery life, not to mention higher prices. The GBA won’t be backlit, so how will the game look? Well we’ll have to wait until it’s out (or until E3, maybe) to find that out. But going from what screenshots Nintendo has released, things seem to be heading in the right direction.

As expressed earlier, the game will closely adopt the style of Super Mario Bros. 2, with you having the option of choosing between the well balanced Mario, the high jumping Luigi, the speedy and strong Toad, or the floaty Princess. Also included in the game will be the original Mario Bros. game (y’know, the one that pre-dates the "Super" name), which includes a four player competitive mode that should be a load of fun.

Super Mario Advance should be a Gameboy Advance launch title, so look for it this summer when the GBA is unleashed on our shores. Handheld gaming just got a bit more interesting.

· · · Riisuke





























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